Retired 2017
BA Hons BArch Hons (L’pool) RIBA
1978: After graduating from Liverpool University School of Architecture, I began professional life working for Liverpool City Council on education projects.
1980: Moved to Bingley and worked for Robinson Design Partnership.
1983: As co-founder of Hatfield Architects, most of our work involved special needs projects for Housing Associations and domestic projects.
1998: Joined Rance Booth & Smith working on laboratories and police buildings.
2010: Moved to William Saunders Leeds, albeit most of my work included major remodelling and extensions to Bradford Primary Schools. I was also privileged to be part of the design team which delivered the new Golf Clubhouse at the royal Richmond Park, London.
I hope that I have in a small way championed the cause of women in the profession, being the first female to hold office as Chairman, Bradford Branch RIBA; Chairman, Yorkshire Region RIBA; and member of the Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors.
I have been a RIBA/ARB Part 3 professional examiner in three universities during the 1990s and 2000s.
I am currently enjoying my retirement walking my border collies, touring the Yorkshire Dales, Pembrokeshire and other beautiful areas in the UK as well as writing and drawing for pleasure.