About the Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors

The Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors 150th Anniversary

The Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors was formed in 1874 and thus we are celebrating our 150th Anniversary this year. The Society remains active and vibrant although it remains routed in its region.

We are celebrating this anniversary by producing an exhibition with the assistance of the Industrial Museum in Bradford, where it will be on display from the end of September 2024 through to January 2025. A smaller mobile exhibition will also be available for other venues.

*Please click on the poster to enlarge.

The Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors was formed in 1874 by eighteen eminent local professionals including Henry Lockwood and William Mawson, the architects for Bradford Town Hall, the Wool Exchange and Saltaire.

The object of the Society was:-

- ‘To promote personal acquaintance and good feeling between the members’

- ‘To afford mutual assistance by advice and mediation in case of misunderstanding either between members themselves or between them and their employers or those employed under them’

- ‘To obtain and consider information respecting competitions, bye-laws and other matters affecting either of the professions, and where practicable, to advise with committees and other professional aid; and to endeavor to ensure equitable terms and award.’

- ‘The Society shall consist only of gentlemen, who at the time of their election are, and for seven years immediately proceeding, have been in practice on their own account, as principals; and the whole number shall not exceed forty.’

While the first object remains the focus of the Society, legislation, communications and the work of the National Professional Institutes have superseded most of the other objectives.

Membership, which now includes ladies, has risen from the original 18 to just above the 40 set out in the original objects. The format set up is still maintained today with an Annual General Meeting, an Annual Dinner and Summer Excursion; in recent years a Golf Day has been added.

Council meetings are every three months, instead of two as originally, but the Society and members still maintain a passionate interest  in the development and environment of the City of Bradford.

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